Program Structure

Program Structure

Program loop: 7 minutes

Pie chart program structure: 50% advertising, 35% news, 10% traffic reports, 5% entertainment

Fahrgast TV

Fahrgast TV layout with route, infotainment, current stop/stop request.

Our state-of-the-art high-tech system broadcasts on two 19 to 21.5-inch LED screens throughout the entire journey, visible to all passengers. This innovative technology allows you to present your message in public transportation in an extremely effective manner.

Our diverse range of infotainment content combines elements from business, culture, politics, and sports with essential route and stop information. Studies show that passengers pay almost their entire attention to such information media, which means unparalleled effectiveness for your advertising message.

Thanks to this unique opportunity, you have the chance to reach your target audience comprehensively in your city. With your spot, you can not only capture the passengers’ attention but also present your brand and message in a memorable way that influences purchasing decisions. Make use of our powerful system to enhance your presence and the success of your advertising campaigns.

Program Structure

The program loop is based on the average length of stay of passengers in the buses and lasts about 7 minutes. The spots are displayed in a constant alternation of advertising, event tips, news, and weather forecasts.

Center TV

Center TV screen layout with different areas (infotainment, information, news ticker)

With a total area of 15 m², the LED infotainment wall is unique in its size and automatically attracts the attention of passersby In addition, four more 42″ LED screens were installed in the food court of the Brücken-Center to entertain and inform the lingering visitor.

The program of these multimedia eye-catchers is up-to-date and dynamic. In addition to regional and national news, it contains event information and, of course, your advertising message.

Program Structure

The program loop consists of a 100-second BR program and commercials alternating with cinema charts and event tips.