Make WiFi your advertising space
Free WiFi-Hotspots are very popular around the world. With @mobiconnect, VAG offers its passengers free, unlimited use of their own WiFi network. You can surf the web free of charge on all buses, trams, underground stations, and underground trains.
We offer you the opportunity to use this WiFi as a platform and thus bring your advertising messages directly to the displays of potential customers. Design the login page with your content, forward visitors to your website, or create individual surveys.
Take advantage of this diverse offer and attract the public’s attention to draw attention to your events, news, and products!

Free WiFi-Hotspots are very popular around the world. With @mobiconnect, VAG offers its passengers free, unlimited use of their own WiFi network. You can surf the web free of charge on all buses, trams, underground stations, and underground trains.

We offer you the opportunity to use this WiFi as a platform and thus bring your advertising messages directly to the displays of potential customers. Design the login page with your content, forward visitors to your website, or create individual surveys.
Take advantage of this diverse offer and attract the public’s attention to draw attention to your events, news, and products!
Individual Campaigns in your Design
SSID with individual designation -
Creation of individual questions -
Before and after login: possible placement of video or image content -
Custom design of logo, text and background -
Login via One-Click, e-mail or mobile number/SMA -
e.g. to websites, social media pages, App Store etc.
Success Analysis of your Campaigns
Analyze each campaign element individually. Identify elements where users exit and recieve information about your target audience.
Export the collected information and use it in other systems or tools.

Media Data / Price List

Everthing in one click!
Here you can find the current media data to download
Status 10/2022
Your Representatives
Are you interested?
Contact us. We look forward to working with you.

Benjamin Wagener
Tel: +49 981 203 526 78
Mobile: +49 160 930 710 16
E-mail: b.wagener@redlof-medien.de

Benjamin Wagener
Tel: +49 981 203 526 78
Mobile: +49 160 930 710 16
E-mail: b.wagener@redlof-medien.de